A review by setaian
Skeletons in the Closet by Jennifer L. Hart


Maggie is married to a retired Navy SEAL, she's a full time mom who loves clipping out coupons and is a definite fan of bulk toilet paper from Walmart if it will save her a dollar. When her one friend volunteers her to work as a cleaning lady for her snooty neighbors she's none too happy. But she dutifully turns up for the job mop and bucket in hand.

Unfortunately for her the job lands her right in the middle of a murder mystery. The wife has turned up dead and the husband would be the main suspect except Maggie is his alibi.

I really don't know what to say. I was expecting to be mildly entertained, not to find a book that I just can't fault. I was expecting your stereotypical klutzy neurotic heroine, not a smart and snarky woman who is comfortable in her skin and will unapologetically stick up for her friends. I was expecting a husband who treats his wife like a disobedient child, not a guy who is genuinely in love with his woman, who trusts her judgement and will back her come what may.
Nine out of ten murder mysteries I will have picked the bad guy in the first 25%. This book I was still wondering right up to the last chapter.

So all of that adds up to five stars...and I haven't even considered the clever and witty writing which had me laughing and madly highlighting some of the great expressions and turns of phrase. If you hear me say something cool in the next few weeks, there's a good chance I stole it from this book.