A review by dvnielletreads
Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak


dnf @ 60%: i've heard enough lol.

this author really wanted us to believe that these atheist vegetarian totaltarian parents went to the local library to get children's books -CHILDREN'S. BOOKS. - that taught their youths about the intricate workings of sex bc the author wants people to think libraries are evil i guess lol. oh, and then the cooky crazy neighbor casually calling hispanic people rapists bc she's a 'libertarian'. c'mon.

oh, then the dad in a drunken stupor manages to get into mallory's cottage while she's out, obviously does something in her bed after snooping through her underwear drawers and leaving the items around for mallory to find and just - brush off? lol. after making her feel uncomfortable more than once, bc someone in mallory's position should be thankful for the opportunity right?

no lol.

when i was really having it with the vibes i was getting from these caricatures of literally every character, i did some reading of some reviews and found out the twist is just transphobic, so.

disappointed doesn't even cover it. how did this win the best horror book of 2022? seriously lmao.