A review by grilledcheesesamurai
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Joseph Goodman


So, I GM a Homebrew world for my players and I. We use the D&D 5th edition ruleset as the backbone for the mechanics of our game. However, I have some Pathfinder material in there, some Cypher system in there, some Dungeon World in there, and yes, a whole lot of Dungeon Crawl Classics in there ( and a whole shwack of other stuffs).

That's the beauty of tabletop RPG games. You can pretty much do whatever the hell you want. The key is to stay consistent. If I say that 'this is how we do something,' I have to make sure that the next time we do that thing again, the rules stay the same. If you have all that chalked out properly then you can snag material from whatever sources you want and make them your own.

The world that I have created that myself and my players adventure in is called, Aventyra. And even though, when asked, I say that it is a D&D 5th edition game, really, it is a melting pot of all kinds of mechanics I have picked up from all over the place over the years.

Dungeon Crawl Classics is a huge inspiration for me. This book is friggin gorgeous and, without any kind of exaggeration, I can honestly say that every single time I open this book I find something awesome and new. Whether it be something that inspires me, or a new ruleset that I think is cool, or just a particular piece of art that gets my juices flowing, there is always something in this damned book that blows my mind.

It's a juggernaut of a book too. 470 pages packed between its hardcovers. Hell, just looking at the book sitting on my bookshelf makes me feel all gooey and excited.

And the magic system...holy balls is it ever cool. It is easily the coolest magic system I have ever come across in my years of RPGing. I have slowly been incorporating the way magic works in this book into our own world and the 5th edition ruleset that my players and I use. It really adds a sense of danger and impact to the game that I haven't really ever seen in any other ruleset before. Magic has consequences and the risk/rewards of using Dungeon Crawl classics in my fifth edition games has really made it exciting for all of us involved.

Bottom line? If you are a tabletop gamer and you see this book sitting on a shelf somewhere...you buy that motherfucker! Buy it with complete confidence that even if you don't play DCC games - you are gonna find stuff inside that will blow your mind and make yourself a better player or GM.

That's a promise!