A review by ashleynichole
Break by Hannah Moskowitz


This book surprised me. Mostly because it wasn't the kind of book I'd pick up on my own but because I, well I don't want to say I enjoyed reading a book about a boy who's addicted to breaking his bones but I didn't hate it. I thought his addiction was rooted in self improvement which made me almost see the logic in what he was doing but when it was revealed that he was doing it to try to make his whole family stronger than I felt I lost a part of the understanding I had for him. It made him seem crazier where before there was still sanity in him, granted some very confused sanity but still. There were parts of this book that were hard for me to read I was so nervous/uncomfortable/scared for Jonah but I'm glad I read (and enjoyed) something so out of my comfort zone.

I really couldn't believe Naomi was actually encouraging him, breaking down his determination to quit. That to me isn't the sign of a good friend, it's the sign of someone who might be as messed up as you are. (Yet no one got her help which disappoints me considering who she ends up dating.) And the way his fellow patients at the psych ward started copying him? That made Jonah seem very normal all of a sudden.

I liked the end and how he decided he wanted to get better for his girlfriend and his family. Love can solve most anything. And revelation that you can't fix every problem and have to sometimes just let them go was a really powerful message to end on.