A review by pattireadsalot
May We Shed These Human Bodies by Amber Sparks


I really really hope Amber Sparks will write a full length novel one day because she is brilliant! Her openings to these short stories are quite incredible and it would be fascinating to pick her brain and find out how she can articulate her ideas so well. In short, I'm jealous and wish I had that gift. There's no other way to describe it. I'm sure she's had mentors and teachers fostering her talent but its apparent she was born with her literary gifts.

One of my favorite passages from "When the Weather Changes You"-
"The year the earth froze hard as diamonds and the sky rained ash, my grandparents met and married. That's the way the story always starts, with a well established fact: two people met and were subsequently married. The details surrounding that fact are stranger, less certain. More like smoke than story. More like mirrors than memory".
