A review by gracekalli
Forbidden Seduction by R.L. Kenderson


Saxon, ever the bachelor, may have found his match with Demi. I think this is my 2nd favorite in the series. This book shows Demi's strength and stubbornness as well as shows a side of Saxon that I don't think any of us really saw coming. I love how R.L. Kenderson has the ability to write the story and the characters without overlapping their personalities. They each have their own ticks and nuances so you can tell who is who when they are talking or doing something. In a world where there are this many characters, that is always a worry, but each character in this series is their own person and it shows. The world is so complex and intricate. It doesn't fall flat or seem 2 dimensional like some books can unfortunately do. I loved this story, the complexities, and the characters. Definitely 5 stars and 2 thumbs way up for Forbidden Seduction.