A review by ithil
Boy Underwater by Adam Baron


Waterstone´s kids book of the month June 2018

As always I would like to start stating that I received this book as a proof copy from the publishers, but this will not affect my opinion of it.

At the beginning I was a bit doubtful as the plot of this books seemed to be aimed to older children that what it stated (9-12). However, I would not say a kid not to read the book as it deals with topics that need to be spoken aloud. Maybe with the intention of protecting them we do the opposite, and they may feel locked in the dark without answers. This book may help a kid that may be going through something similar. Or even the whole family. I’ve detailed below the triggers marked as spoilers because, well, they are spoilers.
Cym´s circumstances are a bit peculiar and very tough for a kid, although at the beginning he is not fully aware of them. The book narrates his journey through them starting from an accident at the pool to the truth of what happened in his family. He not only has to deal with the invisible obstacles from the past, but with some of his family not helping him at all.

I adored Cym, I found his sense of humour and his way to narrate the story one of the best things of the book. Because although he may describe such hard and complicated topics, he manages to keep going forward always, motivated by the truth and his love to his mother. And he does not do it alone, which I found to be another very important statement of the book: you may have problems, and some of your “friends” may turn you back on you when things get complicated, but the real ones won´t, so please reach out for help.

It is a very realistic book, with very real characters and at the same time, beautifully written in a way that becomes addictive. I needed to know what happened and how it happened and I wanted to hug Cym and at the same time, take his hand and run towards the truth.

TRIGGER WARNING: mother dealing with mental health problems, death of a parent, death of a sibling.