A review by pph_library_bookclub
Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue


This months notes were written up by a kind volunteer and are as follows:

- easy book to read but everyone felt there was something lacking
- the main character, Mary made big transitions in her life but ultimately ended up where she started. Although this did seem to be not so much from choice but making the best of a bad situation after she was found out by the innkeeper. Had this not happened, it may have been a different story
- Mary was driven by a want for the finer things in life
- Mary didn't want to be subservient or answer to anyone. She was self-reliant and wanted control. She even tried to control the manner in which she died even though she had no choice
- the last chapter was poor and felt it was more about wrapping the book up swiftly
- disappointing that there was no reflection or remorse from Mary in the last chapters
- the book lacked depth and there was little evidence of emotions therefore it was difficult to engage with the main character
- despite Mary being a victim of a number of unfortunate events, it was difficult to feel sorry for her
- Doll was more likeable character
- Daffy came over as a bit of a hopeless dreamer and romantic. It was strange he had access to so many books as they were expensive during this era
- Mary came under influence of a number of maternal influences, her own mother, Doll, the matron, Mrs Jones. Mary had a better relationship with Doll than her own mother Mary had a difficult relationship with her mother and seemed determined that would not be like her. Mary seemed to be a constant reminder of her father and she resented the promise made to Mary's father of ensuring Mary had an education
- although Mary was fortunate to have an education, it gave her ideas above her station and made it difficult for her to fit in
- the book showed how powerless women were during this time. All the women in the story had had some misfortune or been let down by men. The men in story had all the control
- overall the book should have been more interesting. It was a good story but this did not come through enough. Not enough invested in the characters

Average score - 5.5