A review by jessilwow12
Deadly Dorian by Rinda Elliott, Jocelynn Drake


Another wild ride.

If you are a Drake and Elliott fan I don't have to tell you that this book is a scorcher. I don't have to tell you that the suspense will kill you and keep you turning pages till late in the night. Book after book these two continue to up the stakes in regards to the action of the plot and the heat between their characters. They write complex and intriguing men and are clearly invested in the development of both the characters and the series as a whole. This installment hits the ground running from chapter one and doesn't let up till The End. This book is not a sprint but a marathon of endurance that feels over too quick in a great way. The pace and overall feel reminded me of Book 3 Torch in the Unbreakable Bonds. Lots of action and snark balanced with endearing men who deserve the greatest love possible. The added literary touch of tying the title to threads in the story have been fun to look for and a great addition that makes this series unique.

We have had little glimpses of Royce in all the books so far in the series and each time it has left me wanting more and boy do they pay that off. The introduction of Marc as his balance is beyond fitting. Royce was able to shine in this novel. His tight control and absolute nature compliments Marc's artistic and almost nurturing personality and blend so well together. These two together were just dynamite. It's a wild ride from start to finish with unforgettable men and some great appearances of all the men we have come to love in this series and favorites from the UB books. I can't wait to see what they come up with next and what they have in store for the rest of Ward Security.