A review by debtat2
Death Is Not Enough by Karen Rose


I have read all of Karen Rose’s books and they always cause me sleepless nights and this one was no different. I just couldn’t make myself put the book down and stop reading!!

I was especially looking forward to this one as Thorne has always been one of my favourite characters throughout this series – he is my ideal man! Shame he’s not real ??

This book is slightly different from the others as with this one we know who the bad guy is from the start almost, but there are still revelations to be had throughout the book and the reasons behind the “Why?” all fall into place and some of the reasons were unexpected!!

Told between Thorne, Gwyn and their tormentor Tavilla’s view really added depth to the characters and the storyline and they are all brilliant characters.

Tavilla is such a great bad guy – violent, psychopathic, and willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal – destroy Thorne by going after everyone he loves and framing him for murder! Clever!!

Thorne’s friends and family all come together to clear his name putting themselves in danger to save him from himself as much as from Tavilla as well as protecting their own from becoming victims. This book brings back characters from previous books and its great to see how Clay and Taylor are getting along now they have been reunited as well as Daphne, Ford, J.D, Lucy and Stevie since we last saw them.

And of course, there is the romance element! The relationship between Thorne and Gywn gets taken to the next level, from friends and business partners to romance and some pretty steamy sex!! But both have their own demons and secrets that have an impact on both of them. It was about time these two got some luck in the love department!!

I hope there will be a continuation in this series but Karen Rose has a new book out on February 21, 2019 ( Yes I know – ages to wait!! ) Say You’re Sorry (The Sacramento Series Book 1) so it looks like we will be meeting new people with a new series.

Death is Not Enough will be published on 17 May 2018 and can be pre ordered now from Amazon UK or Amazon.com

If you are a fan of Karen Rose you are in for a real treat with this one and although I wouldn’t recommend reading this without reading the other books prior to this one but saying that, it will work as a stand alone novel. But if this is your first Karen Rose book, after reading it you will be desperate to read the rest!!