A review by alexk02
Veiled Magic by Deborah Blake



I liked this book.

So I went into this book not really wanting to continue it after reading the first 10% of the book, but I continued on. The beginning was really slow for me and it seemed like it was packed with all the information needed to understand the book but within the first 10% of the book. It wasn't spread out that much and it seemed to just be plopped right on the reader. Also, the beginning, though there was a lot of information did not seem to explain things as well as I would have liked, it left me a bit confused and it left me questioning things. It seemed to me that it was a bit contradictory to itself at one point, too and the ending was just a bit stupid.

The good news is, I really loved the diverse characters within this book, Friar Matthew and Ricky were my all time favorite and I might have shed a tear or two at that one part where that one thing happened. The writer obviously put a lot of research into what she was writing about which makes the book a better read because the author knew what she was going to write and going to say. It was fast paced once you got past the first 20% of the book and it did have some romance which I enjoyed. There was no insta love within the book, just a love triangle that was a bit dysfunctional. It was cute. I liked Donata and Magnus together a lot more than Donata and Peter but that's okay. I absolutely LOVED Grimalkin (her cat) and Elymr (Peter's dog) I just, ahhh. Animals make me so happy. The book had some really funny parts within it that I actually laughed out loud at. Overall, I rated this book 3.5/5 stars. Just a bit confused on if this book is part of a series or something??