A review by toyboxtrash
Ryan Rule by Sadie Kincaid


If you want smut over plot this is the book for you.

The smut was good, a bit repetitive but it was still good.

I saw the twist at the end coming a mile off, the whole theme seems to be people not dying when in reality they really should be dead! It’s happened 3 times now so it’s not really a twist at the end.

We saw Jessie and her relationship with Conor and Shane grow but I feel like the author left the twins out after the first time they’re together. We don’t see them together again it’s only mentioned in passing. And we don’t see her tell them she loves them only Conor and Shane. I felt like the twins were done dirty on this one.

What on earth was with all the exclamation marks? Every other sentence seemed to have a bloody !

There was no world building, no real ‘threat’ and Jessie annoyed me sometimes but I can’t figure out why.

It was fast paced and a quick read and I’ll be finishing the series as I want to know what happens.