A review by meyrathedreamer
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


I think I have a love-hate relationship with these kinds of books where every other sentence is somehow criticism or life lesson of a sort but that does not mean I did not enjoy this book. It was good but I prefer subtlety, you don't have to throw the ideas on my face, I love it more when I catch the ideas in between lines because... that's what makes it worth reading.

But still, It was one of the stories that made you feel warm, made you feel you can find your home anywhere, anytime and I don't know why it took me ten days to finish this, honestly, I finished the second half in one sitting because... The characters... they were so unique and special and I loved every one of them.

I absolutely adored Lucy, he was so creative with his threats like really and his relationship with Linus was so perfect. Every children's relationships with Linus were like that actually, I loved how Sal became eventually open to him and how Talia threatened him to burry in the disguise of saying hey, I actually like you.

And towards to end, I felt they became a whole, strange family who is not afraid of facing hardships as long as they have each other. They were perfect.

And because quotes were absolutely perfect, here are some of my favorites.

"Humanity is so weird. If we’re not laughing, we’re crying or running for our lives because monsters are trying to eat us. And they don’t even have to be real monsters. They could be the ones we make up in our heads. Don’t you think that’s weird?”

“He’s so wonderful and generous,” Lucy said, spinning in a circle on the sidewalk, arms outstretched for reasons Linus didn’t understand. “And I hope he remembers to do the same for me, so I don’t have to spend my own money and feel left out and have to open a pit to hell and watch this village be swallowed whole. Because that would just be so easy.”

"We are who we are not because of our birthright, but because of what we choose to do in this life."