A review by pixe1
Black Wave by Michelle Tea


This is not something I would normally read, except it made the ToB shortlist and to be honest, I don't really know what to think.

First, I feel like I was sucked in by the cover and a plot that promised lesbians during the apocalypse. But that turned out to be misleading. This book is really like 2 or 3 books in one. The first part of the book was pretty addictive but then all of a sudden the "apocalypse" factors in and it doesn't really work because all of a sudden the book turns META. This is a book about a writer that acknowledges the reader and it just felt jarring and divorced from the first part of the book.

Second, the main character is so unlikeable. Even during the section in San Francisco that I devoured, I actively disliked the main character and that really makes it hard to say I appreciated the book overall.

Third, it just felt like a lot of women's studies lectures were thrown in to plot. While I agreed with the ideas, they just didn't fit with the narrative.

I predicted this book would be eliminated in the first round of ToB and it was.