A review by deena_
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord


5 swoonworthy stars ☆
I probably had my hands on my favorite romance read of the month and damn what a book it was! This book had me smiling ear to ear, pointing out the popular social media references I knew by heart and searching up the ones I was pretty clueless about cause yes, I'm so out of trend. The heartbreaking similarity it had with the movie 'You've Got Mail' and the all too heartwarming epilogue, had me in its corner long before I knew it. I understood the characters and their problems so well that it didn't even come off as weird. 'Tweet Cute' so methodically spoke of the blurred lines between social media and real life, as well as growing up crushed under everyone's expectations, in a witty, fast-paced book packed with snarky memes and tweet battles. 

1. Pepper, The Competitive Overachieving Maniac:

A troubled teen who witnessed her family's falling off from a front row seat and was determined to have a firm grip on her grades, the only thing in her life that didn't feel like a huge mess. She was a perfectionist through and through, hell bent on ruling over the strict grading system of her new school. Trying to fit in is all she has been doing, even though the shoe never fit quite right. She took it upon herself to do damage control or be as little of a trouble her family absolutely didn't need on their plate. She had a steady character development that went from her caring all about coming up first in everything to accepting the whole lot of possibilities of her own choice.
2. The Twin Detector:

"Where Ethan is almost coolly self-possessed, like some kind of politician, Jack is an open book—his eyes unguarded and unselfconscious, his tall frame always strewn across chairs like he has settled into himself earlier than most people our age, his dark eyebrows so expressive and honest that it’s laughable he even tried to pull one over on me in the first place."

Pepper has some kind of superpower; you can't convince me otherwise. She always busts Jack up on his attempt to play it off as his identical twin, much to his surprise since even the people who knew him all his life can't seem to get a hold on it. 

3. The Social Media Rizz:

No, cause that's the fun part of it. It all started with an experimental creation app of Jack's, it's sole purpose was to allow the students of their school to shed off their masks for a little while and freely communicate under the shelter of anonymity, where Jack and Pepper were interconnected. There was a thrill in guessing when they would find out all about it. Then their twitter sprawl began surrounding their family fast food chains, which soon turned into a mess with the active involvement of the media and public.

"I’ve started dreaming in memes. It’s a miracle if anything that comes out of my mouth isn’t unconsciously accounted for in 280 characters or less."

While this anonymous back and forth banter was going on, they didn't know they were developing feelings for each other in real life. Jack is more the class clown and Pepper the uptight people pleaser; they were barely civil to one another as seatmates until the whole thing blew off right in their faces. One moment they were strangers sharing secrets, the next they were friends in odd senses, and then they were archenemies.

"It’s weird to me that it took four years and a Twitter war for us to be friends."

4. Evans Sisters' DIY Desserts: 

I can't just go through this whole book and not talk about the iconic dessert ideas Pepper and Peige come up with. They are like so fresh and fun, it'd leave you with the urge to just reach out and grab a piece of those sweet treats. It makes them more precious since they're used for bonding purposes and even have names based on each situation.