A review by n0silla
The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists by Naomi Klein


I debated quoting a passage from this incredibly clear and incisive book (perhaps better described as a piece of very long-form journalism) for my review, but every word is worth quoting. This should be required reading for everyone--no, seriously. Everyone who anticipates being alive over the next few decades, as the effects of climate change grow more intense and markets deregulate and public goods are privatized, needs to read this. What's happening in Puerto Rico right now is uniquely significant in light of PR's long colonized history and their more recent struggles against austerity policy, as well as globally important for understanding what's really happening as the realities of climate change set in. Klein describes it as a race between "the speed of movements and the speed of capital." Read this book and decide for yourself which side you'd rather see win.