A review by take_me_awayyy
Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore


When I first heard about this book, I was super excited about it because I really liked the concept and I read Fiore's last book. Although it wasn't stellar to me, I still enjoyed it.

The synopsis is what got me. Every girl has had that one wish where one day her love life is like what she sees in the movies. (Or maybe in our case, what we read about in books.) This is why Marijke and Lily become friends. They take on the task of making their non-stellar love lives into what they believed to be true love. I can honestly say I've never read a book with this kind of concept. But even still with all the creativeness this had, it still wasn't executed just right.

I read the other book by Fiore, Taste Test and I thought it was just ok, but the concept in that one jumped out to me in that one too. And basically that's what happened with this one. It was just ok. I was expecting to enjoy this more because it was her sophomore novel, but it still wasn't all that great.

I also didn't like the characters. Marijke was putting her entire life to the back burner because she was so caught up in her relationship. Since I was once a teen girl in high school, I completely understand how easy it is to get swept up in a high school boy's eyes, but this was a little over the top. I mean putting off her choosing a college because she didn't know what he was doing? Yeah, if that was my daughter we would've had some problems. Even in the end when he finally got it together I wasn't that much a of a fan of him. After seeing all that he did, that one gesture just wasn't enough for me. I felt like he was terrible to her, he deserved the hurt and the same thing he did to her. I was thinking of karma clearly.

In short, this book was very much like tie first. A very cute concept, an ok execution of it, and a fluffy romance. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but I'm sure fiction lovers of all types can and will fall for this one.