A review by tabatha_shipley
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom


What I Did Like:
-The little details that harkened back to the original book were cool. It wasn’t so much that you felt like you needed reread (or read at all) the first one, just little nods to things you remembered if you did read it.
-Connections. Again, as it was in the first book, this one focuses on how human lives intersect and the impact you can have on another person. I loved that.
-Eddie. Man, I love this guy. He was my favorite in the original book and his small appearances in this one worked for me. He’s just well written.

Who Should Read This One:
-Readers who loved the first one.
-People looking for an inspirational, yet non-traditional, message about what happens when we die.

My Rating: 4 Stars. I enjoyed this one and recommend it, but I wasn’t crazy about the ending.

For Full Review (including what I didn’t like): https://youtu.be/JhyVFi3TnN8