A review by renuked
Goddess: A Starcrossed Novel by Josephine Angelini


Umm what? That was a forced, last-minute, chaotic, rushed mess. I don't even know what to think. It ended well, but badly.

I think that as a whole, the series had real potential, but the pacing became slowly more awful as it progressed. Firstly, I suggest reading this series in succession. Otherwise (like for me), the characters and plot-lines get very muddled. But even then, it's disordered. There are a huge number of characters, many of whom are introduced belatedly. The story is often erratic and if you don't know Greek mythology....you're lost. The myths are pulled from everywhere, and barely any are properly explained.

Eventually everything becomes a huge turmoil of people and all the good guys and bad guys turned into each other. The different houses and genetics and parallels eventually got too difficult and I just gave up. Helen is a Mary Sue character. She's beautiful but she doesn't know she's beautiful and she's strong and smart and blah blah blah. Forbidden romance with Lucas. Love-triangle with the gorgeous Orion. Ugh.

And even at the end, where all the couples were eventually paired perfectly, it was all rushed and awful. Two of the couples especially made me gag at their ridiculous last-minute romance. They were literally SLAPPED together. Angelini took whoever was left and paired them up. The last battle was....not a battle. There was no climax to the story. I felt no tension or rush or excitement. It was all a big ball of confused OKAY.

I don't really know what else to say. Mostly everything was wrapped up (I think), but a lot was...weird. The POV was third person, but it was all over the place. It was forced and there was too much happening. It was just the wrong approach to something as wonderful as Greek mythology, but I wish I could have enjoyed it more.