A review by jessicasilfenroy
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer


An excellent YA debut that surpassed all expectations!

Synopsis: This story follows Jasmine Zumiedh, an Iranian-American student who runs for senior class president to increase her chances of getting into NYU. Torn between doing what she thinks is right versus what will get her the most votes, Jasmine starts to make one wrong decision after the next.

Thoughts: While this story takes place in 1979, I feel like Jasmine is the messy/ emotional teenage girl that all of us can relate to. She struggles with her identity, has typical teenage feelings of embarrassment, didn’t always make the smartest choices but through it all was determined to succeed. She reminds me a lot like Devi in Never Have I Ever, which is one of my favorite YA shows. Writing wise, the book was hard to put down and perfectly paced. I found a lot dialogue to be laugh out loud funny with many pop culture references. I will say that there were some moments that were a bit cringy, but all together this was such a heartfelt story that I will be recommending to many!

Read if you like:
-YA fiction
-High school setting
-Iranian-American rep
-Conflicted heroines
-Stories about identity struggles