A review by gon8go
Eight Million Ways To Die by Lawrence Block


Woah, I thought after reading all the greats like Hammett and Chandler there were just re-hashes of their work in varying degrees of quality left. I was wrong. I am a huge fan of the P.I. genre and this might be the best work I've read. What gets me thimking is what else is out there that I havn't discovered yet and where has Matt Scudder been all my P.I. living life?
I wont go into a long description of the plot but let me just say that if you're the least bit interested in P.I. stories, this is one of the best. Having read Robert B. Parker's Spenser novel Valediction where spenser becomes depressed after losing His girlfriens Susan. Over the course of the book he starts to lose grip on his strict moral code and drinks excessivley. When I finished Eight million ways to die I thought This is who Spenser might be if he continued on that path.