A review by musicalmelody21
Scythe by Neal Shusterman


I did like this book, it certainly was addicting. I really loved the concept and the world. The wording of it was beautiful, my personal favourite parts were the journal entries, I found them very interesting and well written. There were characters that I really enjoyed, specifically the three mentor scythes and Scythe Volta. The main characters were eh. (minor spoilers ahead) I'm getting really sick of forced romance and I didn't think it was necessary here. I don't know why they couldn't have just bonded as friends, they had no natural romantic chemistry at all. I really hope the rest of the series doesn't go the way it seems like it's heading towards. Besides that, it kinda felt random in it's story beats. It was quite slow-moving, but then suddenly over halfway through the book the author went "Shoot! I have to move the plot forward", and then rushed through it. It sort of went off the rails towards the end, I much preferred the beginning. But I did like it quite a lot. There were moments where I cheered out loud. I guess I didn't really want extensive plots from this book, I wanted to learn more about the world they lived in, because I loved the concept and the little details. That was all great. Other than that, there were just little gripes I had. For example, they have reached a point where technology can not advance any further, but yet they haven't invented a lie detector. I get why they didn't use it in the situation, but why wasn't it even brought up by anyone? (sorry, just had to get that off my chest). Anyway, I've heard great things about the next book, excited to read it!