A review by krobus
Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon


overall, i adored this. truly. i really enjoy solomon's storytelling. i would LOVE to see her branch out of this "romantically stunted girl who is smol, loves writing/wants to write, lives in or travels to seattle" character type, however. and if you think that sounds weirdly specific, you'd be right lol! seriously though, she's an author i will continue to follow and support <3


first, the one night stand was obviously horrific. saying "does she like it?" would've been enough to make me actually leave lmfaooo.

it might have been bc i was on the treadmill at the gym while my audiobook was playing, but the spanking scene & sex after had me blushing, screaming internally, holding my hand to my mouth.

at one point she says "he cries out into the night" and that made me actually laugh out loud, subtle wolf joke no??

i just wish she would change the climax of her future books. she has played out the "quirky girl that somehow can't see that the guy is in love w her" trope and i fully believe she is capable of more!
the whole part where she ~stole~ the book was so...irritating? like ok she's so good & pure she returned it and bought two hahaha it just feels unrealistic if you ask me!