A review by riverreads
Revived by Kora Knight


I waited for this story since my love Red was first introduced in [b:Upending Tad Bundle (Volumes 1, 2, 3)|23984516|Upending Tad Bundle (Volumes 1, 2, 3) (Upending Tad A Journey of Erotic Discovery)|Kora Knight|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1431600382s/23984516.jpg|43586177] I felt like he had a story I wanted to know it. This is more than story than I was waiting for than book 1, don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that book but this one was more in the timeline that I knew.
Things with Max and Sean are exactly were we left them. Max is a closed off man, he thinks that by shutting down his feelings he is protecting himself.
Sean is such a great guy, I like him for Max because he is not a pushover, he might submit to Max in his dungeon but he is not going to let Max get away with treating bad.
The relationship took some time, this book is really long. I love them and everything about them but gosh was this book long.
The upside of this is the we get more Tad and Scott, This personally didn't bother me because I love them and I was so happy know how their relationship is going.

I loved seeing Max heal, it was slow, honestly I wanted to beat some sense into him because he was a stubborn man but he came around and realized that Sean is someone he needs in his life.
The epilogue is a HFN with the promise of a HEA.
I would have love to see more of Max and Sean as a couple, I mean it's very long BUT I'm not complaining, it was a very satisfying ot read their journey.

All in all, if you like slow build romance and good bdsm I totally recommend to read this series, Kora knows how to write sex but she knows how to create good characters with good backstories too.

We get a little teaser for the next couple and man I can't wait for it, Kai pushes all my buttons.

**ARC provided by author in exchange of an honest review**