A review by technophile
On Desperate Ground: The Marines at the Reservoir, the Korean War's Greatest Battle by Hampton Sides


There seemed to be some factual inaccuracies early on (specifically regarding how much knowledge of and agreement with MacArthur's goals and plans there was in Washington), and I think it would be well worth reading this book alongside [b:The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War|448135|The Coldest Winter America and the Korean War|David Halberstam|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1326474263l/448135._SY75_.jpg|2171159] for a great political background to the war, but the story of the Chosin Reservoir is an amazing and heartbreaking one for many reasons and this was a well-written account of it.