A review by bethhthelibrarian
Hello, Cruel Heart by Maureen Johnson


Maureen Johnson is one of my favorite YA authors. If she writes it, I'll read it. I was especially excited to see what she would do with this prequel to Cruella. It seems to me that the upcoming live-action movie (which I am also extremely excited for) would be the perfect launching off place from where this novel ends. It was such a fun quick read, and would be perfect to read beside the pool or on the beach this summer.

Set against the glamour of London in the 1960s, Estella lives in squalor with her found family, Jasper and Horace. The three of them have to steal to survive, and for Estella to work on the amazing clothing designs she creates. She's got big dreams of becoming a famous fashion designer, and being extremely poor isn't going to stand in her way.

After a fortuitous meeting with a set of very rich siblings, Estella finds herself launched into the world of the rich and famous, where she and her designs finally get the attention they deserve. As the summer goes on, however, Estella, along with her cruel alter ego, Cruella, will discover that these people are not as welcoming as she had hoped, and if she wants to truly succeed, it's all up to her.

This book was so much fun. I love the recent publications of Disney villains backstories, but Maureen Johnson did a lovely job building up the world of 1960s London. I loved spending time there. I do wish we had learned more about Cruella, who would pop into Estella's head when Estella needed to be particularly cruel. I'm very excited to see where the movie takes us, because the ending left me both satisfied, but desperately wanting more. Like I said, it's quick, it's fun, and is a true delight to all who read it.

Content: There is some kissing, but nothing is ever graphically explained. There is some smoking (it was the 1960s), and of course, there is crime. Safe for a 7th grader who doesn't mind a mini romance subplot.