A review by unlikelyplaces
Dreams Lie Beneath by Rebecca Ross


Dreams Lie Beneath - Rebecca Ross

I really enjoyed this! 

Obviously, Rebecca Ross' other book, Divine Rivals, has been all over Bookstagram recently. I haven't read that one yet but I had this on my tbr for a while so I thought I'd give it a go and it was so fun.

Dreams Lie Beneath is a YA Fantasy about a land where every new moon people's nightmares come to life and we follow Clementine who, along with her father, is trained to fight the nightmares to protect the townspeople. The story begins when someone comes to challenge Clem and her father as the local magicians in their town. 

This was filled with a lot of popular tropes, including a rivals to lovers romance and the concept was similar to other things I'd heard of before but I had a lot of fun with it. It felt very fairytale-like and whimsical. I think that if you like the Cruel Prince series, this would work really well for you, it had that same feeling to me. 

If I was being really nitpicky there were some plot elements that didn't fully make sense to me but I went into this with the expectation that I'd have a good time with it and I did so I'm happy.

Definitely worth it you want a fun, YA, whimsical read!