A review by a_novel_ty
The Way Love Goes by Christina C. Jones


"There's nothing wrong with admiring God's work when it came across my path, right?" AMEN to THAT!

I am so loving getting introduced to more and more of the characters and couples in this Black Mecca that Christina has created. Usually, I would prefer to read the continuation of a story between two characters that I've already been introduced to. But I've come to love and trust in Christina's writing and process so much that I go into each of these books, not wary that I won't love the new couple as much as I've loved the couples introduce previously. But excited that I get to see another instance of #relationship goals from another melanated, smart and sexy couple.

"The Way Love Goes" follows Fallon after a rough and abrupt breakup with the man she thought would be a part of her happily ever after, in a city she assumed would be the backdrop to their new adventure, remodeling a home she believed would shelter their family. Instead she is heartbroken and alone in a new city away from her family and friends, living in a unfinished house that is entirely too big for one person to make a home. But one of the best and most beautiful traits in every Black woman, is that of resilience. Fallon decides she isn't going to let a fuck boy ruin her shine, she's going to make new friends in this new and prospering city and put her all into making her house her home. The last thing on her mind is a man after what she's been through.

And then in walks Sean Keahi. Tall, dark, handsome, strong and the one responsible for bringing the vision she has for her home to a reality. They don't get off on the right foot when they first meet, but contrary to popular belief, first impressions aren't always everything. Sean and Fallon fall into something sexy, fun and intense and I loved every minute of it.

I love how Christina always, ALWAYS gives BOTH her characters baggage and their own issues and BS they have to deal with and overcome. Too many times, I read these contemporary romance novels and its always the female that makes things complicated. It's always the woman that can't seem to get over the past in order to accept the blessing that is right in their face. But Chrisina is all about spreading the baggage and it makes for a more interesting and compelling story and romance when you have both characters dealing with their shit and trying to come to terms with all that is going on in their lives in order to try and make it work with one another.

It was fun reading about Fallon trying to get over the very fresh betrayal from her last relationship and navigating the feelings she was so very quickly having for Sean while seeing Sean deal with the same feelings for similar but from a mans perspective.

I love that the previous characters from this world have such a strong presence but the love story between Fallon is never overshadowed. It would have been all too easy for one of the previous couples to outshine Sean and Fallon. So far Carter and Viv are my favorite couple in this series. But there was never a time where they were mentioned and I wanted to just forget about Fallon and Sean and read more about them. Christina has a way of getting you invested in the couple you are reading about and KEEPING that investment alive through the entire book and I LOVE IT!

I could seriously just gush and gush about this book all day but I wont do that. All in all "The Way Love Goes" was ANOTHER solid book by Christina and I can't wait to read the next installment in the Serendipitous series.