A review by judeinthestars
Waiting for You by Elle Spencer


I love stories of attraction so strong it rips everything in its wake.

A teenage experiment completely turned Lindsay’s life upside down: she re-lived a past life moment, in which she was desperately in love with another girl, Roo, an experience that left her unsettled enough that that same day, she went all the way with her boyfriend for the first time and got pregnant. Years later, she’s the recently divorced mother of a seventeen-year-old daughter and a respected portrait painter. In between paying clients, she keeps painting the same boy no one knows but with whom she feels a powerful connection. Then, suddenly, one night she paints the woman who hasn’t left her thoughts for so many years. The next day, Ren arrives in town for a two-week visit with her best friend Deb before moving to Paris for her new job. When her eyes fall on her, Lindsay knows Ren is a new incarnation of Roo.

Past lives and reincarnation are not really my thing, and I don’t think I’ve read many lesfic stories on this theme. I really liked that, to those who don’t know about that part of her life, Lindsay mostly appears as a kind and interesting person, a woman who overcame the difficulties of a teenage pregnancy to become a cool and supportive mom, a talented artist without a hint of arrogance. There’s a lot more going on inside her than meets the eye and Ren would probably have fallen for her even without fate playing tricks.

While I loved each and every character (except Lindsay’s ex-husband, Ben, whose name is creepily close to Ren’s, is that fate also?), the MCs and everyone around them, I never completely felt pulled all in. For some reason, I stayed on the surface. I very much Elle Spencer’s writing, however, she’s great with dialogues and banter, which is up there with Melissa Brayden's, and she writes an excellent sex scene. All in all, I had a really good time reading and recommend this novel without hesitation to anyone who wants a smart and very sexy read.

I received a copy from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving a review.