A review by bookishnerdyandcurious
So Right by Rebekah Weatherspoon


4.5 damn stars!!

Did anyone really think that I wouldn't have immediately started reading this once I was done with So Sweet? Yeah, I didn't think so. I dove right in after posting about the first book and while Amanda (@talk_about_swoon on IG) did give me a heads up that there was more drama in here than the last, that didn't stop me. One thing about an HEA is that you never see the couple get a real "couple moment" after the HEA. Don't get me wrong, I crave an HEA in my books, but there's just something about seeing a couple having a real moment - where things aren't all rosy, but they work through it. That may not be escapism at its finest - and not what I normally go for - but it was done perfectly in this case. Yup, the third book is on the Kindle waiting for me to open it... Will I wait until morning? We'll see...