A review by edgyirishcupcake
In the Dark by Loreth Anne White


Meh. I know this is probably going to be the unpopular opinion, but I was bored the whole time reading this book. It was basically Saw in book form. Maybe a slightly better reason, but not really. I guessed the suspense elements pretty quickly and didn’t care for any characters.

The writing style wasn’t my favorite. I swear if I had to read the word junket again! Some word choices made no sense and in some cases were not appropriate, as though the author didn’t know the meaning of the word but had heard it used. Other times it was a larger word than necessary and didn’t make sense that the characters would think like that given their backgrounds. Anyway, won’t be reading this again and am glad to be done with it.

I think my primary issue was it felt unfocused. There was a HEA story mixed with a suspense/horrorish book. There really was no need for the investigative and sensitive side of the story with those characters, they should have stayed out of the main story. That would have made it better for me, I think.