A review by kaje_harper
Up! by Al Stewart, Claire Davis


Another excellent story from these two authors. Luke is a young guy somewhere on the autism spectrum. He had managed to get up the courage and organization to go to Oxford, but he found himself isolated and stressed, holding his uniqueness back so hard he spoke to no one for days on end. After a term, he left. That decision was the only one he could make, but it lingers as a bitter failure, poisoning his view of who he is and what he can do. He lives a quiet life with his father, aware that while he is deeply loved, he's also dependent and his future looks barren. He has no job and no plans.

Then he finds out that an artist he has followed since his teens is coming to a local park to do a big installation and performance piece. Moreover, Luke was the one who anonymously recommended the opportunity to the artist, Formaldehyde Bob. He's thrilled and terrified, shaken out of his rut and eager to meet his hero. But even the colorful jeans under his bed, symbols of braver and more outgoing days, can't give him confidence. How can the man he is now be worth Formaldehyde Bob's time? Maybe he shouldn't go. His father's gentle urging added to his curiosity tips the balance just enough. Maybe he'll go and see what Bob is up to. Just look.

Rob is taking a chance, stepping out again as Formaldehyde Bob, his art persona firmly in place as he tries to come back from a personal low point. He'd hit depression so dark he had to stop creating and deal with it, and even now, he's not in a great place. But this is an amazing opportunity, and his art has always called loudly to him. His vision for this piece pulls him forward, but he's not sure he has the fortitude to follow through till the end. Then he meets his biggest fan, a sweet, fizzy, enthusiastic, colorful young man who seems determined to help him give the world this new piece.

But there's a long way to go for this art to be created. There's a bleak, dark place that still threatens to open up under Rob's feet, sucking him down again. And the yellow jeans waiting under Luke's bed may never be worn, if he can't keep all the forces inside him on track and get past his thoughts of failure. Maybe it would've been better if they'd met back in Oxford. Maybe they should never have met. Maybe he's too weird for Formaldehyde Bob, or not talented enough to help. Or just maybe they can find a way forward.

Sweet, hopeful, neither minimizing each man's issues, not overdramatizing them. A lovely portrait of a man on the autism spectrum and the way his uniqueness is both limiting and freeing.

(Currently free in epub from Smashwords 12/31/18)