A review by kristinakaldenbach
Twelve Slays of Christmas by Jacqueline Frost


Okay, I loved this! If you are looking for a cozy mystery with serious Christmas vibes, this is the book for you! I want to live in Mistletoe and take part in the Reindeer Games.

I really wanted a book that had all the Christmas, heart-warming vibes I could find and boy did this deliver. It was magical. I loved this town and all its people, especially the Whites and their Christmas tree farm. I loved that Holly wasn't that typical type who begrudgingly moves back home after a failed relationship and just feels down on herself. No, Holly realized she missed a bullet with her ex and absolutely loves being home. She has a few things to figure out but has a great family to support her.

The mystery aspect was really good. I definitely felt suspense and wanted to know who the killer was. While I don't really love the trope of your average citizen with no detective experience trying to solve the mystery on their own instead of trusting the police, that didn't bother me too much in this book. Mostly because I really liked Holly and her interactions with the sheriff.

Holly did make some kinda dumb decisions. And I didn't love who the killer ended up being. It didn't make too much sense to me. And I really hated that sort of love triangle that might have been going on. Also, all the mentions of food Holly brought up didn't sit right with me. She talked about gaining too much weight because she was eating too many sweets and she would skip entire meals or have hot chocolate for dinner. I think none of that needed to be mentioned.

Overall, I LOVED this and would definitely continue on with the series.


Really? Mr. Nettle, the accountant, was the killer and did all of that to Holly because he moved some funds around? I did not like him as the killer and didn't like his motive.

Ray was the WORST!! I hated his character so much. It seemed the author was trying to have some kind of love triangle going on with Ray, Holly, and the Sheriff and that was garbage. Ray was an obsessed stalker that Holly just blindly trusted for no reason. She doesn't remember him from school at all but takes his word for it and then says in complete confidence that there's no way he could be the killer. SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HIM! I was really hoping he was going to be the killer and one of his aunts was the woman who screamed and it was all a setup to get the farm closed down so his family could get that land. I don't know. I just didn't like him and him probably being in future books for a love triangle angle really makes me not want to read on.