A review by mothgoth
American Tabloid by James Ellroy


Wow, what a tough book to get through. A lot of it was not for me, but I ended up enjoying some things around the end! I just never really wanted to pick it up, and the slurs got to be a bit too much for me.
I love stories set around the cold war, and specifically those relating to the cuban revolution (something I have not read much about in fiction), so there were aspects of this I really enjoyed (particularly laughing at all the characters who thought castro would be assassinated "soon", knowing that he survives over 600 attempts on his life) and there seemed to be a criticism of american imperialism and certainly the fbi/cia/government that I appreciated. But dang it was hard reading this from the perspective of three of the most unlikable main characters ever LOL. 

I read this for a book club and I'm glad I did, it brought out a lot of good discussions and introduced me to a level of subject matter that I wouldn't have thought to check out on my own!