A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Body Electric was what I wish every single Young Adult book would be like; entertaining, free of stupid tropes, and original.

*coughs* and it has a really pretty cover *coughs*

This book revolves around Ella Shepherd. She's an awesome main character. Not once did I get annoyed with her. Ella is confused about what is going on with her, but I never thought that this caused her to make annoying/stupid decisions. Her reactions to things always felt realistic to me, as well.

She also has this awesome to read about relationship with Jack. It isn't instalove. It isn't sappy. It feels real and sweet and...ship-worthy. That's something I don't say very often. I. don't. ship. I tolerate, usually. I am a so very non-romantic guys. It is a problem when all you read is Young Adult, but I manage. But Jack and Ella were good together, even I'll admit that.

The plot...this is where I get conflicted, because on one hand, I guessed a lot of the plot twists. It was kind of like Cinder, where I could see something coming, but not in an annoying way where I was mad that it was easy to spot?
Spoilerkind of a coincidence, considering both of these stories deal with cyborgs, hmm.
I suppose that doesn't make much sense. They were good turns to the storyline, they just were guess-worthy good turns to the storyline. I still thought the overall story was well crafted and different than anything I've read before.

The writing is something I usually don't talk about in reviews, but I think it really deserves to be mentioned here, because it was soooo great! It definitely made the story for me. I felt that it captured Ella's voice really well, which is possibly also why I liked her so much. It was great.

Plus, it's a standalone. There wasn't any cliffhanger at the end. I like a book that actually ends with a concrete resolution. I mean, cliffhangers are fine too, but they make me AGONIZE for months until the next book in the series comes out, which is not fun.

This book was my first Beth Revis book, and I have to say, there's a chance that she could become one of my favorite authors after reading this. I'd check this one out if I were you.