A review by cari1268
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey


I wanted to love this book more than I did. While I thoroughly enjoyed and agreed with Dave's advice, I didn't find it as easily applicable to my personal financial situation. Part of this might be because the first half of the book focused on how to become debt free-which is not a problem for me. Therefore, I read the first part giving myself a mental pat on the back and then the last half (which talks about saving) feeling slightly panicked. I actually closed the book feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.

My biggest beef with the book is that Dave never directly addressed those with lower salaries. There were a few personal stories of people who made less and succeeded financially. But Dave didn't address those struggling to make ends meet who are not riddled with debt. Maybe this is just a flaw in financial books period since I had the same beef with the last one I read.

Overall, this provided some sound financial advice that might be harder to follow for those with lower salaries.

Three Stars.