A review by hidusty
Wool Trilogy by Hugh Howey


I heard a lot of big exciting talk about this series being better than The Hunger Games. On some levels I agree and others not so much. In any case, this series was pretty great. The first book is really just a short story that sets the tone for the rest of the series. Book Two even feels a bit like a short story and almost filler but in books 3-5 the story really takes off into a nice arc. By the fifth book there is a underwater segment that literally took my breath away and made my pulse race. I think that says something great about an author when he can produce that kind of physical reaction with his words. It doesn't hurt his cause that he's killed characters we've grown to like. You find yourself wondering if this character is just the next in line. So it builds a nice suspense that you don't get in an novel where you know your protagonist is going to make it out alive.