A review by kaitlin_durante
Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker is the first book in her new series Redemption Ridge. Kieran Sullivan has been waiting twenty months in jail to be let out and get revenge on the man he believes perpetuated it all. He is now hired at Redemption Ridge and all he has to do is find evidence to bring down the ranch’s owner, Cash. He never expects to be enamored instantly by the equine supervisor Finley Ashe. Finley has a bad record of trying to fix broken men so when Kieran shows up as his newest assistant he knows he’s in trouble. Kieran tries his best to keep his distance from Finley but their connection proves too strong to deny. But will his ulterior motive for being on the ranch destroy what they are building together.

Kieran Sullivan’s backstory broke my heart. He was never given a chance to thrive and instead was taken advantage of around every turn. Kieran knows he should steer clear of Finley because he needs to focus on investigating Cash and because he believes he isn’t good enough for the sunshiney man. Finley proves to be so much more than good looks and Kieran can’t help but become not only physically involved but also emotionally.

Finley had never heard Kieran laugh before and was too eager to experience it to worry that he was the butt of the joke. He pulled his hand back, and laughter tumbled from Kieran’s mouth. It was rich and thick like honey on biscuits, and Finley wanted to lick him up.

Finley Ashe has a bad track record of trying to reform the bad boy. He has not been successful so when he meets the recently released Kieran he thinks history may repeat itself. But Kieran is nothing like men from Finley’s past and Finley decides early on that everyone deserves someone in their corner. He proves to not only be a bright light in Kieran’s life but also a driving force in trying to right the wrongs of the past. Finley and Kieran have so much chemistry that the two coming together is an explosion of heat and adoration.

He was compassionate, intelligent, quick-witted, and competent in everything he did. Finley was the most gorgeous person he’d ever met– inside and out.

Set in Colorado, Guys Like Him, is a strong and beautiful start to the Redemption Ridge series. My heart immediately went out to Kieran who had struggled through so much and needed a strong partner in Finley. I loved seeing their flirtatious banter and moments turn into steamy and intimate scenes. The other workers at Redemption Ridge were great secondary characters and leave readers excited for more stories about them as well (I’m talking to you Ivan). There was just the right amount of angst, action and romance to keep me from being able to put the book down.

5 stars for Kieran learning he is worthy and deserving of Finley Ashe.