A review by mbkarapcik
The Freedom Clause by Hannah Sloane


Daphne and Dominic meet cute in university and immediately become a couple, marrying after they both graduate in The Freedom Clause by Hannah Sloane. After a few years, though, their marriage seems a little stale, so Dominic suggests the Freedom Clause, basically a hall pass that allows them both one night per year to have a dalliance with someone else. They'll conduct this experiment for five years and then revisit the clause at that time.

This book surprised me. The vibrant cover hides the intelligence and substance of this book. I thought that this novel from a new author would be your typical romantic comedy, but I felt that there was so much more to the book. It's engaging, humorous, sad, sexy, and entertaining. You really get into the backgrounds and motivations of the two main characters and see them grow and change throughout this book.

I wasn't a fan of the recipes that accompany most of the chapters. After the couple moves forward with their new arrangement, Daphne starts a private, anonymous blog that details her dalliances and Dominic's, and she incorporates a recipe that goes along with whatever currently may be happening with her marriage. They're real cutesy and not just recipes with comments about life thrown in. It just didn't work for me. That's partly why this book isn't five stars for me despite me loving this book.

I also liked how this book examines marriage and the compromises both parties make in keeping a marriage together. It really was eye-opening in many ways. Some truly feminist views come through; some more hard-hitting than others. Sometimes, it intimated that marriage isn't a great institution, but I think that's very subjective. It's ripe for some good conversations for a book club or just between friends. Even if you don't agree with the arrangement or don't approve of it, it's entertaining, and I found it hard to put down the book because you're racing to see what comes next.

As for the ending, I think it will appeal to some readers while others may not like it at all. I wasn't a fan but thought it was the best way to end the book although it felt a little flat. You'll see why, and I feel like it could be an opening for a sequel. In that case, or even if the author doesn't write a sequel, I will be there for the author's next book. I really enjoyed her writing and see a bright future here.

Thank you, Random House Publishing Group – Random House, Dial Press Trade Paperback, for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! It was a pleasure!