A review by coley_reads
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman


Favorite quote. Page 284, 285
"I've been pondering this, and concluded that there must be some ppl for whom difficult behavior wasn't a reason to end their relationship with you. If they liked you - and I remembered, Raymond and I had agreed that we were pals now - then it seemed, they were prepared to maintain contact, even if you were sad, or upset, or behaving in very challenging ways. This was something of a revelation.
I wondered if that's what it would be like in a family - if you had parents, or a sister, say, who would be there, no matter what. It wasn't that you could take them for granted, as such - heaven knows, nothing can be taken for granted in this life - it was simply that you would know, almost unthinkingly, that they'd be there if you needed them, no matter how bad things got...... Unconditional love, I suppose."