A review by danilanglie
Evil Eye by Jason Goodwin


I understand that generally in a mystery novel, the compelling element is the plot - who murdered the man in the well? How do all these pieces fit together? - but for me, these questions are rather incidental when it comes to reading books in the Yashim series.

I've said this in the other books in the series too, but I love the short chapter lengths, the way scenes are broken up so conversations and action scenes are intermixed. It gives it a very cinematic feel.

Also, out of all the books, this one had the most personal stakes - one of the key players in events only appeared towards the very end, but he lingered over the whole text, with a tangible connection to Yashim's past. And I got genuinely worried when Palewski and Marta were held hostage! I really love the friendship between Yashim and Palewski, and how it's carried through all the books.

Only one more left before I say goodbye to this series for good!