A review by starness
The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club by Sophie Green


3.5 stars rounded up. Truth be told I probably wouldn’t have picked this book up on my own accord, but coincidentally our book club was meeting right next door to our local bookshop who was hosting a meet and greet with the author of this book so it was rather a no brainer that our club unanimously picked it for bookclub. Meeting the author always adds an extra dimension of interest to the reading experience and I came out from reading this book with an appreciation for the writing process as well as a true appreciation for the Australian outback as depicted ever so wonderfully by the author. Female friendship is the predominant thread and it was a joy to see the comradeship these women had through life’s tough moments. The outback life is harsh but it also has it’s unique charm and this group of friends really rallied around each other at their most difficult and vulnerable moments in life, sure there were some cliches, a few too many love interests that were convenient but that did not diminish my enjoyment. Under the harsh elements and the lack of prospects it was totally fine with me. The strength of these friendships really felt believable and the bond of their shared unique experience made me think differently about outback living, the meaning of community means so much more when living in such a remote area. It was nice to dip into a whole new world totally unfamiliar to myself living in the comfort of the suburbs of Sydney.