A review by mdlyn_reads
The House Sitter by Elizabeth Drummond

Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
DNF @ 22%. 

I believe that you have a sense of whether or not you’ll like a novel quite early on. From the prologue, I knew that I strongly disliked the main character, Pippa, based on how she never stood up for herself, defended her awful boyfriend, and got mad at her friend and cousin for pointing this out to her. 

As I continued, I hoped that my opinion would change in Chapter 1 when there is a time jump. Alas it didn’t. She became even more unlikeable. The difficulty for me was that I was not rooting for her, I was not interested in continuing to read the story, I actually had to convince myself to keep reading every chapter. 

I then also couldn’t take the name Wolfie seriously. Maybe because that is the nickname of my pet cat, but honestly I thought it was a funny name. 

Feedback I would give is to tweak Pippa’s character to make her more likeable, add some other redeeming qualities that make the reader want to root for her. 

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing early access to this book in exchange for an honest review