A review by catsflipped
Mentats of Dune by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson


Finally these Dune prequels are starting to come together. All my previous reviews of the Duniverse books have commented on the amount of extra irrelevant story lines that do nothing but bloat an already oversized book. But not this one, Mentats of Dune is the first I have been glued to all the way through.

The first book of the Schools of Dune series sets the scene nicely, this book draws all the relevant parties closer together in the fight which will mean a new renaissance for the human race or another dark ages.

Will the incompetance of the Emperor Salvador Corrino allow the fanatical Butlerian leader Manford destroy all progress or will the levelled headed Gilbertus Albans, Mentat headmaster make all the right decisions?
Will the blood feud fuelled by Valya Harkonnen against Vorian Atreides bring both families down?
Will Valya also recognise her desire to change the sisterhood to further her own cause and become one of the most powerful people in the known universe?
Will the determination of Josef Venport result in catastophe or a chance for all humanity to find its way.
A favourite will be lost along the way and your hopes for the outcome will take twists and turns as victory seems imminent only to be snatched away over and over.

The answers to some of your question are found in this book but for some you will need to keep reading, the final book of the Schools of Dune series has been set up to be one of the best yet and I look forward to moving on through my Dune marathon.