A review by shelvedthoughts
Peaceweaver by Everly Haywood



Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone

– this is told from Persis’s point of view

– there are nightmares (think of what you’d expect of to see of the underworld/Hades – creepy, blood, corpses, etc – but with minimal description; more like just enough to understand what they are experiencing without really creeping out the reader)

– a character is blind


I enjoyed this fae romance with elements of the Hades/Persephone story! I loved Persis’s heart for healing. I loved that we didn’t get to know the full scope of her powers right away, but instead got introduced to a new bit every couple steps of the way. I grew to like Prince Haryk through Persis’s eyes as time went on & I was hurt like Persis when he didn’t see eye to eye with her after an incident. I loved the sweet dream moments Persis had that we got to see. I also really liked Haryk’s mother & his nurses that worked closely with Persis.


When a healer is demanded for Prince Haryk, also known as the dark prince, Persis and her mistress are quick to respond. With the tension between her mistress’s kingdom and the dark prince’s, anything less would cause further issues between them. But when they arrive, Persis’s mistress tells Persis to kill the prince instead of healing him. As a healer, Persis made an oath to only use her magic for healing. Going against it could leave her with dire consequences on it’s own, besides the ones that would come down on her if she went through with it and was caught. Caught in an internal battle over obeying her mistress and betraying her oath or disobeying her mistress and helping the enemy, Persis has to make decisions she never thought she’d have to as a healer. And as Persis discovers new things about the prince as she cares for him, she is thrown even deeper. Because the man she’s getting to know? He’s someone she could never fall for…