A review by meliaraastair
The Big Chili by Julia Buckley


After finishing A Dark and Stormy Murder the other day, I knew I wanted more Julia Buckley! So I discovered this series, with a unique concept where the main character enjoys cooking so she provides “covered dishes” for others to claim as their own – PTA moms, Boy Scout leaders, church dinners with “their” famed chili, etc. Kind of furtive, kind of just strange! Give the poor girl some credit! But when the famed chili ends up killing someone, will Lilah be able to keep her secret?

Again…it’s just such a strange concept. Then there’s this whole thing with “what song is stuck in her head.” I mean – I’m a music teacher – I always have a song in my head. But why is it almost but not quite a part of the plot?

I didn’t hate the book – this review is coming off a bit harsh. I did enjoy it. It just seems a little weird but overall was light and fun. But does Lilah become a caterer? What happens with her almost new boyfriend? It’s kind of left as a big ole question mark. I definitely enjoyed Julia Buckley’s other series better based on the first books of each.

I’ll go 7 of 10 for enjoyment and 4 of 5 for readability. Not as entertaining as A Dark and Stormy Murder but I probably will read the others of this series.


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