A review by tshepiso
Batgirl, Vol. 1: Silent Knight by Chuck Dixon, Mike Deodato, Dale Eaglesham, Pablo Raimondi, Scott Peterson, Koi Turnbull, Robert Campanella, Damion Scott, Kelley Puckett


4.5 stars

I've encountered Cassandra Cain stans on almost every place where comics fans congregate and I didn't believe the hype. Until now. This first handful of issues of her Batgirl run does a fantastic job at defining Cassandra as a unique and incredibly compelling protagonist. And I'm absolutely hooked to see more. 

I've gone on record to say I love legacy heroes and Cassandra here represents so much about what I love about these stories. Cassandra's relationships with Batman and Oracle are some of my favourites and define her character in great ways. Her desire to prove herself 

Cassandra is just also such a unique hero her struggles specifically with language are so well rendered in this regard.the give and take of her desire to communicate and the drawbacks it has on her instinctual fighting style was such a great conflict in the series and defines her motivations in such a unique way. seeing someone who's always found fighting easy have to learn and work for it for the first time in a long time was so fascinating. it makes her rimus and successes all the more satisfying

I also loved Cassandra's relationship with lady shiva. it's a great contrast to her mentorship with batman and oracle because of her moral ambiguity. her choice to sacrifice her life in favour of skill is such a great character-defining moment and this book is just filled with them. her guilt for her past murder is so well rendered. her adaptability and resilience in the face of new problems are fun to watch. there's this moment around issue 6 where she makes the choice to take a bullet because she doesn't want a goon behind her to die. and it's such a great moment. 

finally, I'd like to gush about the art for a moment. [insert artist] captures a fantastic bold dynamism that renders the action that's so central to the series fantastically. I will say some of the layouts of the art is a tad too busy and cluttered