A review by songmingi
We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets



Unlike a lot of people in the reviews, I did not come across this book on social media rather I saw it in-store and the cover made me interested because it looked so obscure. Regardless I was still really disappointed, this book does not feel complete it feels like a rough draft. None of the ideas or plot lines are fully developed, while I saw the other did a lot of research into content moderation it seems perhaps they should have spent some of that time actually developing the plot of their book. 

The observations and commentary on how social media sites treat their content moderators and the innate horror of their jobs are so surface-level. If you were to read an article on this topic you would come away with better conclusions and it would be more interesting to read. The storyline around Kayleigh is similarly poorly developed, it was cliche and I don't really feel like I could fully understand when or how she was changed. I think focusing the plot not around the content moderation but rather on relationship drama was certainly a choice and I don't think it really paid off. I just did not understand or connect with the characters of this book, again their traits and choices were explicitly laid out to me and not really developed. 

Overall I feel like this book was a waste of what could have been an excellent short horror instead it feels like a bit without any teeth.