A review by victoriadiesattheend
Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle


bear with me, i’m trying to be better at actually reviewing books lmfao 

sadly, i really only finished this because i bought the physical copy of the book (which is GORG by the way). i would have DNFd at around 35%, which is sad because my favorite part of the book was actually the last 10-15%. 

i really enjoyed the whimsical, witchy setting. there was a huge focus on magic, love, and flowers as it pertains to the main character’s career. the writing and vibes reminded me of the ex hex / the kiss curse by erin sterling if it was set in the springtime. the prose is slightly flowery, but not distractingly so. there were a lot of lines i liked, but in particular - “i’m not going to spend any time pressing the bruise on purpose, missing him when he’s right here.” 😭

my main complaint is that many of the interactions between the characters were SUPER awkward. i wish i could explain it better than that. first, this is a second chance romance between two people who were together from ages 16-18. eleven years later they’re still obsessed with each other and have never been able to forget each other (even though they did not interact at all throughout those 11 years…?) now they’re almost 30 and each interaction they have plays out as if they’re still 16-18. awkward, immature, and uncomfortable to read. 


second, there is fake-dating plot between the FMC (romina) and her best guy friend (trevor). they do not sell it AT ALL and each interaction they have to show they’re fake-dating (for a few reasons, but mainly to make the MMC jealous) was insanely uncomfortable. i think it was meant to be funny, but it left me visibly cringing. 

even while alex, the MMC, thinks romina is dating someone - he acts flirty towards her. when trevor asks alex “are you flirting with my girl?” he replies “no, i’m flirting with mine” … straight to jail. and to harp on the awkwardness - while there’s banter there is somehow no chemistry for the majority of the book?!?! for example, there is a point early on in the book where romina is dating trevor (as far as everyone knows) and she has a conversation with alex. she ends up randomly reaching her hand up and lightly choking him? i was extremely confused.

there’s also a scene where alex forces his mom and future step-dad, romina and trevor, and some other random people in the family to play the “newlywed game” to see who knows their other half best. he basically just asks trevor and romina really awkward sexual questions about each other in front of everyone (trying to prove that the two don’t know each other that well). again, i visibly cringed during this scene. 

as soon as alex found out romina was actually single, they 69 in a field. immediately. like out of all sex things, she had to pick the most awkward position from the jump. slay i guess. the awkwardness subsided once alex found out romina and trevor weren’t dating. it also grew to be sort of charming…. at like 90% (which in my opinion is way too long for a book to get cute).

i will say, the big secret kept by alex and revealed later didn’t bother me as much as it bothered other reviewers. as far as alex knew for most of the book she was “dating” someone else so there was no time he could’ve really told her. i really liked the reveal and thought it was perfect for the story. outside of a reveal that doesn’t take long to resolve, there isn’t really a third act conflict which i like. 

its obvious the series will continue and follow romina’s two sisters. i’m a little disappointed because given that i really only liked the vibes and the last 10% of the book, i don’t know if i would pick up the rest of this series.