A review by escape2fiction
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


I wish I could say that I loved this book. The first couple of chapters showed such promise. But in the end I was let down by the main character Lu, who was honestly the most unlikeable character I've ever read from.

Lu is a writer for an online magazine, where she specializes on the thoughts of love. But when she gets her heartbroken by her boyfriend, she develops writer's block to the point where her editor must give her an ultimatum. Produce a column or you're fired. Out of pure luck or chance, Lu discovers a couple that are facing the same troubles her ex and herself faced. She becomes obsessed with this couple convinced that they're story is the only thing that will save her job and her future writing career. 

Oh Lu. She is tactless, selfish, unreliable and a pain to read about. I detested her character. She begins to ignore her family and best friend. Obsesses over two love birds that she doesn't know and even develops a crush on the boy who is her muse for her story. Newsflash he already has a girlfriend! Girl, you are not a smart cookie by any means. 

What upsets me the most about this book is that I loved the idea of it! I wanted to love it so much but the main character and her horrible personality made this book hard to pick up. I've been putting off finishing this story for weeks because I didn't want to read from Lu's perspective anymore. She drove me crazy. 

I've never written a book by Adi Alsaid before, and this story showed such promise I wish it could have followed through. I will however, still pick up some of his other works because apart from hating the main character, I thought the story idea was genius. And I would like to see what other stories the author has created. 

I am giving this book 2 stars simply for the fact that I could not get over how much I disliked the main character. Take her out of this books equation and this would have probably been a marvellous story.